GET Requests

GET Requests are used to query Medinformer Datacenter's API endpoints that dont require sending any data with the request to an endpoint. GET Requests will return data to anyone with an access token.


Type Endpoint Description
GET {url}/api/articles Request all articles.
GET {url}/api/articles-postscript Request all postscript articles.
GET {url}/api/articles-prescript Request all prescript articles.
GET {url}/api/article-categories Request all article categories.
GET {url}/api/article-stylesheet Request the article stylesheet used to style article html.


Type Endpoint Description
GET {url}/api/brochures Request all brochures
GET {url}/api/brochures-postscript Request all postscript brochures
GET {url}/api/brochures-prescript Request all prescript brochures
GET {url}/api/categories Request all brochures categories
GET {url}/api/brochure-stylesheet Request the brochure stylesheet used to style brochure html.
GET {url}/api/brochure-scripts Request the brochure jquery script used on brochure html.
GET {url}/api/mostpopular Request the API's most popular brochure.